Yesterday more ideas about the god image emerged. My note from last Wednesday night - at the course - was this: ‘God image = [conscious] connectedness to/with Existence Divine’. The [] part was written above the word ‘connectedness’, with the thought in mind at the time, that the function of that god image is the making conscious of this connectedness.
My further thought was and is that this god image is the 'connectedness’ symbolic representation. This being so, what then is the actual symbol in a particular religion that would be an instance? This was the question I asked myself.
For an answer, I recalled my own religious connection as a Christian in my up bringing and even as confessed, albeit short lived, as I reported earlier. Without any inner searches, the response to my posed question was: ‘The Lord’s Supper’ ritual and ceremony. It is in that ritual, then and there that the individual and the community of saints join together in the eating and drinking, commemorating Jesus’ sacrifice.
This is the ritual where that connectedness is experienced and lived through, be it by means of the ritual’s symbology and its interpretation. That is the projected quality of it, wich becomes assimilated - made your own - through genuine repetition over time.
The actual objective realisation of the conscious meaning emerges into awareness later, if at all. To be effective, conscious awareness is not needed, but once there, the landscape of the experience changes taking on a new perspective. This is that, as a person, one is part of Existence Divine already anyway, but that you needed the ritual to bring it into your experiential awareness.
Now the conscious awareness of this connectedness is an everyday reality and allows for others to have their own such rituals and doctrines. In the Islam for example, there are the carefully timed, five daily prayers. It is in this prayer ritual, that the individual and the community experience this connectedness by means of the particular symbology of praying together, if and when that is possible.
My hand written note also refers to the idea of “Celebrate Diversity”, and as I read that now after typing the above, the connection between these two jumps of the paper so to speak. Just as each religious tradition has the connectedness rituals I just described, so we need one today for all of humankind and this ‘Celebrate Diversity’ admonition is the ticket!
And, as I became aware of the ‘logic’ of this combination, my thoughts jumped to my observation made yesterday, that we can do this celebrating by setting up a world wide calendar of the festival days that we humans honour. It may be, that no body will work any longer as a result! We have much to celebrate obviously, so lets get on with it! It beats fighting about one’s identity by a long shot.
<9:27am and 10:02am edited~